Allergy question: when and how to suspect allergy in Boxer dogs

Owner's question:

"Hi! I have a boxer dog, Bella, who has recently started scratching and licking herself constantly. I thought she had fleas, but the vet said he couldn't find any. Any chance she is allergic to something? How can I find out for sure and what can I do?"

Vet's detailed answer:

"Hi! The symptoms you describe may indeed be indicative of an allergy.

Boxers are susceptible to certain allergies, including food allergies and atopic dermatitis, which is an allergic reaction that develops in response to environmental allergens such as pollen, mites or moulds.

Signs of allergic reactions include scratching, redness of the skin, itching, redness of the eyes and abnormal hair loss. If Bella is showing these symptoms, it is worth investigating further!

Food allergy is usually diagnosed by an elimination diet.

This means that Bella is given a simple diet that excludes common allergens such as wheat, soya, beef and chicken. If her symptoms improve during the elimination diet and then worsen again when you reintroduce her previous diet, it means she has a food allergy.

The diagnosis of atopic dermatitis is a little more complicated and often requires skin tests and blood tests to determine what the dog is allergic to.

If atopic dermatitis is suspected, it is worth consulting a specialist, such as a veterinary dermatologist.

What can you do?

The treatment for an allergic reaction depends on the allergen.

For food allergies, eliminating the source of the allergen usually improves symptoms. Treatment for atopic dermatitis is more complex and often involves treating symptoms with medication, reducing environmental allergens and sometimes modifying the immune system.

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The most important thing to remember is that allergies are a chronic condition and Bella will probably require treatment throughout her life.

However, with the right diagnosis and treatment, Bella can live a happy and healthy life!

It is most helpful to observe Bella and if you think something is wrong, take her to the vet immediately.

Dog allergies are common and in most cases can be well treated. Good luck and I hope Bella gets better soon!"